How to Apply


Individuals wishing to learn more about the programs that we offer at our Vocational sites are encourage to tour our facilities and meet with the Executive Director and or the Program Coordinator to discuss admission procedures.

  • A medical questionnaire and application form will be provided. Admission into our programs require individuals to be 19 years of age or older and have been diagnosed with an intellectual/mental health disability.


For all programs funded by the Department of Community Services, there is a requirement for an assessment to be completed with the interested individual.

  • This assessment involves a medical form that is completed by the individual’s family doctor, and a “social history” questionnaire which will be completed with the individual and their family. The purpose of the assessment is to determine the level of support the individual requires in order for them to live as independently as possible without compromising their health and safety.
  • Both forms are given to the individual or their family at the first meeting with the Care Coordinator. A Care Coordinator is employed by the Department of Community Services. Once the forms are completed and the assessment is done, the individual and their family will be contacted by the Department and the options for the level of support required will be reviewed with them.
  • If families have any questions or concerns they may contact our Executive Director, Loretta Nickerson 875-1083.